ABA Therapy for Autism, ADHD, Behavioral and Developmental Delays
At Waypoint, we strive for excellence in the services we provide to your family and that is why we utilize Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approach for behavioral therapy. ABA is an evidence-based science with three decades of research and development, which means that you can count on the techniques practiced by our therapists to be effective and reliable to minimize unwanted behaviors and increase desired behaviors. ABA is endorsed by the U.S. Surgeon General and promoted by the Center for Disease Control as a highly effective form of treatment for developmental and behavioral delays.
Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention (EIBI)
Developmental research overwhelmingly favors the years from birth to age five as the most critical to determine future academic and social success. This is especially true for children who have been diagnosed with a developmental delay, like autism. The sooner a developmental delay is addressed, the more likely it is that the delay can be overcome. The Department of Education states that “Children with disabilities who receive early intervention services show significant developmental progress a year later, and families report increased confidence in their ability to deal with their child” (2003)
Educational Advocacy and IEP Advocacy, Homeschool Support, and Academic Consultation
Advocating for your child’s academic success is one of the most important parental roles. It is also one of the most intimidating, particularly for those children who have exceptional educational needs. Waypoint will serve as a cooperative and professional liaison between the school and the family, working with each member of the educational team to meet the comprehensive educational needs of your child. With decades of special needs education and a commitment to understanding your families individual needs, we like to think of ourselves as the bridge between home and school. Utilizing our educational services ensures that there is consistency in your child’s treatment and the best possible outcome for your child academically.
Teen and Adult Job Training and Independence
The teenage and early adult years are some of the most vital to long term success for children diagnosed with autism or other developmental disability. Unfortunately, these are also the years when school or insurance provided services begin to decline. Waypoint is the solution to bridge the gap between childhood and adulthood to provide job training, self-help skills, and life management training for optimal adult success.
Parent Training and Support, Child and Teenage Social Skills Groups
Family Support and Social Skills Training are two of the most crucial, yet often overlooked, areas of intervention. Waypoint offers support for families in parent training and support group meetings. We are also able to offer sibling training and grandparent training.
To encourage early and continued social skills, we offer a combination of social skills training, and informal social skills practice for younger kids and teenagers, giving them a safe and guided place to practice needed social interaction.